

This week I am doing reading and I am doing a book about a Anzac Biscuits.

Although it’s a myth that Anzac biscuits were sent and eaten by troops in Gallipoli, some evidence suggests a rolled oats based biscuit was sent to troops on the Western Front, although this is not widespread.

The majority of rolled oats biscuits were in fact sold and consumed at fetes, galas, parades and other public events at home, to raise funds for the war effort. This connection to the troops serving overseas led to them being referred to as “soldier’s biscuits”. Fundraising was coordinated by local Patriotic Funds, raising 6.5 million pounds for the New Zealand war effort.

The basic ingredients for a rolled oat biscuit were rolled oats, sugar, flour, butter with golden syrup, not eggs, used as a binding agent. This made them not only nutritious and full of energy but also long lasting.

After WWI, the most popular rolled oat biscuit had the name and association of Anzac applied to it and thus the legend of the Anzac biscuit began.

Anzac biscuits were made to last and they were made with 0% egg so it would last longer.


Thank you



Reading create tasks


thus week we are doing swimming lessons this is what I have done in 2 days and I choose and reading book about World War Animals.

About there being Goats, Cats , Dogs,pigs, and donkeys , horses. Did you know that magotts were used to wore off infected wounds in the war time. And because snails were more sensitive to mustard gas so they gave the soldiers a warning. And canine were very helpful as well, as they were able to locate where the injured men were in the battlefield.

Dogs were also trained to bring water and messages across the barricades.


Copy of Anzac Journal Story (1)

Copy of Anzac Day Facts


Bye bye thank you for looking and please comment



Aimee’s Book 4-Friday Maths

Hello today I am going to tell you what I have done this week for maths and last week. I have did all 12 slides and completed and coloured each slide .

Here is my slide please comment and say if you like it or not please say what you feel , I don’t care what you say it is okay , if there is any problem I will try my best to change it.

Aimee’s Book 4-Friday Maths (1)
