Hello people,

This week for reading I am learning about a polish book about this two grandparents that survive world war 2 ( ll ).

It talks about how they made their way to new Zealand and how they arrived in Iran on boat then took another boat to safety here where there was no war. It also talks about the camp they stayed  here at and how they were able to walk to school everyday. And that is important to celebrate the polish culture. Jahjah ( grandad ) is one year older that Bubcha ( granma).Babcha often had malaria ( when people get sick mostly in war and the water is all gross). When Babcha wa 7 her parents sent her off with her siblings to escape the war in poland. About 28 years later they arrived in New Zealand to join their children.

Being half New Zealand and part polish when they are young a lot of children go to polish clubs or saturday school.













Thank you for looking have a good rest of your day.





One thought on “term 2 reading create tasks the polish refugees!

  1. This looks like a very interesting book Aimee. I am glad you are learning some new things. Next time when you take a picture of your work, make sure it is a clear picture so I can read it.

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